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( Project 5 )

Google Fonts:
The Road We’ve Taken

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is, without a doubt, one of the most popular, accessible, quotable pieces of American literature to date. As for its meaning, the central point is making choices. The larger scale of the woods represents the greater epic of Life, and all the choices we’ll be encountered to make on this journey. Google Fonts is joining the climate change conversation in utilizing typopoetry activism in their “The Road We’ve Taken” interpretation of the classic poem. Choices have led us here, but the road before us has yet to be paved.

Each touchpoint of this campaign will reference emerging font technology that has recently been adopted by Google Fonts: Variable fonts. Font files that have for so long been set in fixed variable weights, widths, and italics are now able to be completely manipulated by the user through a slider tool.

Font appearance and character is now up to us. So is our planet.

Watch “The Road We’ve Taken” here

( Strategy & Art Direction ) Sydney Nitschke
( Strategy & Copywriting ) Grant Davis